Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Germany Munich / Austria Mission!

Last night Kaela opened her mission call. We had Ben on the phone from Camp Williams, and Micah on the phone from San Diego. Grandma Myers was here, along with David, me, Jacob, and Sara. Everybody put in their guesses and then she opened it. She is going to the Germany Munich/ Austria mission! No one guessed it correctly! I was close though, I had guessed Belgium/Brussels. She reports to the MTC on September 23! Congratulations Kaela!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Guess Who's Going On a Mission!!

The papers are in. The wait has begun.

Proud Mama (and Dad)

Micah and his co-workers were published in the journal Science! They worked a long time on this study and now it has been published! They studied how to flip the brain's addiction switch without drugs. You can read about this study in several places on the Internet:

And here is a link to the abstract on the site for Science: