Sunday, September 4, 2011


Wow!  I can't believe how this summer has flown by!  David started school last week.  We had an eventful summer.   In June, David and I went to Missouri to do family history.  This is the second year that we have gone.  I blogged every night about the things that we did, which can be found at  There a lot of things that I enjoyed about Missouri. Here are some highlights of our trip.

I loved the wildflowers on the sides of the roads.
I didn't get a picture, though I tried.  We saw a few turtles crossing the road!
We went to Hannibal and hiked a Tom Sawyer trail.  It went up many, many stairs.  At the top, we could look down on the Mississippi River.  Here is a picture of a house at the top of the trail.  And when you turned around, here is a view of the Mississippi.  It was beautiful, and the hike was fun, but I was kind of disappointed in Hannibal as a whole.  I had envisioned a quaint little town, but Hannibal is fairly large.  The town of Louisiana was more what I had in mind when I envisioned Hannibal while reading Tom Sawyer.

Another thing that I loved about Missouri was seeing the Amish and the Amish buggies. They had their own parking stall at Wal-Mart!  I would have loved to get pictures of the cute Amish families shopping in Wal-Mart.   It was a great trip.  I hope we make it back sometime.

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